
The days of only having one light in the kitchen are long and gone, but that realization may have you wondering exactly what you should be using for light in this popular space in your home.  After all, there are so many different lighting options available to purchase, so how in the world are you supposed to know which ones will work best in your kitchen?

Here are 3 lighting options every kitchen must have:

Pendant Lights

Pendant lights look amazing hanging over an island and since there are so many styles available, you can choose the ones that match the style and decor of your kitchen.  We recommend installing three pendant lights if possible, because it will give you a more balanced look, as well as the perfect amount of lighting for your island space.

Under the Cabinet Lighting

Not many homeowners know that under the cabinet lighting even exists, which is why we want to make sure that you know that this lighting option is available and perfect for your needs.  Once you install this type of lighting in your kitchen, you will find that meal prep is much easier.  The reason for this is that you will be able to see much better when you are cutting, peeling, and even checking to see if your meal is ready.  If you place these lights on a dimmer switch, yo can easily change the ambiance in your kitchen later in the evening.


One of the easiest ways to make a statement in your kitchen is to install a chandelier.  The best part is that you can choose to place a chandelier wherever you wish, including over your island, your kitchen sink, and even over your dining table.  There is not really a wrong place to install a chandelier in a kitchen, but please make sure that you take the time to find one that will add some uniqueness to this space.

You may thing that the lighting that you currently have in your kitchen is more than enough for your needs.  However, once you make a few changes and add the lighting options mentioned above, we know that you will finally understand what you have been missing all this time.  It is only then that you will be able to finally use the kitchen the way that you want to.