Commercial Posted by KCs Improvement & Construction Co., Inc. January 4th, 2021

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Commercial Properties

Commercial property owners tend to put a lot of emphasis on new design, which can sometimes mislead them into thinking it’s alright to go another year or even another couple years before beginning routine property maintenance. And, when they finally do consider maintenance, some property owners will hire in-house sub-contractors as opposed to management services or a general contractor. If you’re owning or managing several commercial properties at once, you should certainly consider hiring a professional contractor who can take care of all your needs in a timely fashion and guarantee quality work. Hire this contractor on a regular basis, and have a good understanding of which areas in your building to emphasize. To help ensure that nothing critical is missed when your contractor finishes the job, make a checklist and break it down into these three commercial property maintenance categories:

Exterior Maintenance

Since it’s a typical rule of thumb that tenants, prospective tenants and/or clients will see the outside of your building first, the exterior is the area you’ll want to cover first. Pay close attention to general wear and tear in components such as paint, window glass and signage. Walk across the street and observe the front of your building from a distance to see if there are any blemishes that can be easily missed from a closer view. Don’t forget about the landscaping and parking lot and/or garage. Make sure you make note of any area that needs repair or touch-up, and prepare to pass your checklist off to the general contractor.

Interior Maintenance

When focusing on commercial property maintenance, it’s extremely important to make every tenant and guest to feel as if they are truly at home. For this reason, it’s just as important to put a good bit of emphasis on interior maintenance when writing your checklist. Pay close attention to any chips in paint on walls, fixtures that need repair, and make sure the original design is up-to-date in your rooms. Go ahead and hire your contractor to clean the place inside and out, including the floors and furnishings. Safety is also a crucial component to include in the interior section of your checklist. Make sure all exits and entrances are clear. If there are appliances obstructing these paths, make it a priority for the contractor to remove them.


The last crucial category to include in your commercial maintenance checklist is utilities. Make sure all electrical components and devices are industry-standard and properly-functioning. Be sure to research safety guidelines so that you’ll know exactly what items to highlight in your list and approximately how much money will be required to spend. Otherwise xxxbeeg.net, you might be hit with an unpleasant surprise when the contractor bills you. In addition, inspect the plumbing and make note of any leaks, no matter how small. The last area of this category you’ll want to focus on is HVAC. Write down any air filters that need to be replaced, and pay close attention to drafts or weakly-insulated areas. After you’ve thoroughly inspected the areas included in these three categories, type up your checklist so that your general contractor will have clarity about your expectations. Making these advance preparations will likely guarantee that you and this commercial contractor are on the same page for years to come.

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