
Your HVAC system plays an important role in keeping you cool in the hot summers, and warm in the cold winters.  Because of this, it is crucial to maintain your HVAC system to ensure it continues to work well.  However, it is important to know that not all HVAC systems are created equally.  There are actually many different kinds, each with their own benefits and drawbacks.

You need to think about which system type works the best for the needs of you and your family.  Without any further ado, let’s take a look at a few of the different HVAC system types and go over what they are, and how they work. 

Heating and Air Conditioner Split System

This is a very common style of HVAC system, in which the air conditioning component is usually outside of the home, with the furnace being on the inside.  Each of these systems will not send hot and/or cold air through ductwork that exists in your home, to ensure each room is kept at the right temperature.

One thing to remember with this system is to change the air filter frequently.  This keeps the system working well, and ensures it is efficient and not overly wasteful.  Now, you might be wondering how often to change your air filter?  Well, the answer is that it depends.  Some can last a couple of months, while others will need to be changed out monthly.

Be sure to inspect all aspects of your system frequently, as there are a lot of moving parts and things that could potentially experience problems from your ductwork, to your air conditioning unit, to your furnace itself.

Hybrid Split System

Another popular choice is a hybrid split system.  This is a system very similar to the last one we mentioned, with one major difference.  This being the fact that they allow the switching between both gas and electric power.  This gives homeowners a ton of control to decide how they want to heat or cool their home.

As a result, this type of system can be very beneficial as it can save energy and dramatically lower you heating costs in the winter.  These systems will also use your ductwork and thermostat similar to the last, but simply give you a little more flexibility and may help you save a bit on your bills.

Duct-Free System

A duct-free HVAC system is also becoming more popular as of late.  Because this system doesn’t use ducts, there is a need for a unit in each and every room that you want to be able to heat or cool.

One downside of these systems is that they have a relatively high installation cost.  This is because most homes will need multiple if they want the entire space to be temperature controlled.

However, once installed, these will waste much less energy than other systems.  When it comes to the other systems, they use ducts that essentially heat and cool all areas of the home, even if you only stay in one.  With ductless systems, you can ensure the area where you are is comfortable, and not worry about wasting energy to heat or cool other rooms.

This is certainly a unique option, and you should be sure to check out the pros and cons before ultimately making your decision.  They can work for anyone, but are particularly great for multi-family buildings or apartment complexes.

We hope this article has been able to help you learn a little more about the different types of HVAC systems and how they work.